Hello World ! السلام عليكم

Mohammad Anini | محمد عنيني
Carbon based, solar system dependent, limited in knowledge, prone to error and mortal!
قائمٌ على الكـربون، معتمدٌ على النّظـام الشّمـسي، محدودٌ في المعرفـة، عُرضَـةٌ للخطأ، وعـمـري محـدود!
If you know the output of this:
Email me at:
Open Source Projects
ArCaptcha | Arabic CAPTCHA
عركابتشا | كابتشا عربية
The first open source free PHP CAPTCHA script for generating complex images and CAPTCHA codes, in Arabic, to protect forms from spam and abuse.
A simple customizable PHP open source web addresses (URLs) manager and router, suitable for simple websites.
(Probably the only) Arabic open source Hangman game using Javascript and CSS only, it aims to introduce people with our prophet's (Mohammad ﷺ) companions.
Maze Solving Robot and more! - Autonomous multi-task robot, built from scratch using Arduino microcontroller, it can solve any line maze without any prior knowledge and generate the shortest path.
OALF-R 1.0
مل مل 1.0
Obstacle Avoider & Line Follower Robot. Built using Arduino microcontroller and some sensors. It can follow a line and avoid obstacles, and it can find its track back if it loses it.
Amman Hackerspace Website
موقع فضاء المتمكنين - عمّان
An Arabic social network for electronics and robotics hackers and makers, engineering articles and discussions, questions and answers.
https://ammanhs.org 2013
Ojuba OS Website
موقع نظام التشغيل أعجوبة
A completely new website and design for the operating system Ojuba (a Linux Distibution), built using a customized version of DokuWiki.
https://ojuba.org 2015
Maqola Website
موقع مقولة
An Arabic web content management system, the website contains old Islamic and Arabic entries, sayings, poems, jokes and stories.
https://maqola.org 2015
professional experience
managed and/or built
planned and/or organized
Professional Experience
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Regional Operations Data Management Officer
2020 - Present
Panama City, Panama
- Data Management
- Digitalization of Asylum Systems
- Project Management
- System Design and Interoperability Solutions
- Full Stack Development of Systems
- Regional Technical Support on Coorporate Systems and Tools
- Field Support and Deployment Missions
Associate Registration Officer
2016 - 2020
Copenhagen, Denmark
- Data Management
- Design and Development of Data Migration Packages
- Training of Trainers and Data Managers
- Global Technical Support of Coorporate Systems and Tools
- Deployment and Rollout Field Missions
Operational Data Management Associate
2015 - 2016
Amman, Jordan
- Data Management and Information
- Design and Development of Systems, Tools and Reports
- Data Transfer
- Country Data Management
- Coordination
Senior Operational Data Management Assistant
2013 - 2015
Mafraq, Jordan
- System and Data Management
- Design and Development of Reports
- Field Technical Support
- Coordination
Freesoft Technologies
Consultant & Part Time Web Developer
Amman, Jordan
- Full Stack Web Development (PHP, Scala and Akka)
- Research
- Workflows
Amman Hackerspace
Co-founder & CEO
2013 - 2015
Amman, Jordan
- Robotic Projects
- Workshops and Events
- Arabic Content
- Makers Community and Forum
Software Engineer - Web Developer
2012 - 2013
Amman, Jordan
- Software Engineering
- Web Development
- Product Management
- Database Management
- Algorithm Design
- Testing
Google Student Ambassador
2011 - 2012
Zarqa, Jordan
- Events Planning and Organization
- Goolge Services
- Workshops
- Support Office
Zarqa University
2011 - 2012
Zarqa, Jordan
- Technical Workshops
Regional Operations Data Management Officer
2020 - Present
Panama City, Panama
- Data Management
- Digitalization of Asylum Systems
- Project Management
- System Design and Interoperability Solutions
- Full Stack Development of Systems
- Regional Technical Support on Coorporate Systems and Tools
- Field Support and Deployment Missions
Associate Registration Officer
2016 - 2020
Copenhagen, Denmark
- Data Management
- Design and Development of Data Migration Packages
- Training of Trainers and Data Managers
- Global Technical Support of Coorporate Systems and Tools
- Deployment and Rollout Field Missions
Operational Data Management Associate
2015 - 2016
Amman, Jordan
- Data Management and Information
- Design and Development of Systems, Tools and Reports
- Data Transfer
- Country Data Management
- Coordination
Senior Operational Data Management Assistant
2013 - 2015
Mafraq, Jordan
- System and Data Management
- Design and Development of Reports
- Field Technical Support
- Coordination
Consultant & Part Time Web Developer
Amman, Jordan
- Full Stack Web Development (PHP, Scala and Akka)
- Research
- Workflows
Amman Hackerspace
Co-founder & CEO
2013 - 2015
Amman, Jordan
- Robotic Projects
- Workshops and Events
- Arabic Content
- Makers Community and Forum
Software Engineer - Web Developer
2012 - 2013
Amman, Jordan
- Software Engineering
- Web Development
- Product Management
- Database Management
- Algorithm Design
- Testing
Google Student Ambassador
2011 - 2012
Zarqa, Jordan
- Events Planning and Organization
- Goolge Services
- Workshops
- Support Office
Zarqa University
2011 - 2012
Zarqa, Jordan
- Technical Workshops
Co-founder & CEO
2013 - 2015
Amman, Jordan
- Robotic Projects
- Workshops and Events
- Arabic Content
- Makers Community and Forum
Software Engineer - Web Developer
2012 - 2013
Amman, Jordan
- Software Engineering
- Web Development
- Product Management
- Database Management
- Algorithm Design
- Testing
Google Student Ambassador
2011 - 2012
Zarqa, Jordan
- Events Planning and Organization
- Goolge Services
- Workshops
- Support Office
Zarqa University
2011 - 2012
Zarqa, Jordan
- Technical Workshops
Google Student Ambassador
2011 - 2012
Zarqa, Jordan
- Events Planning and Organization
- Goolge Services
- Workshops
- Support Office
2011 - 2012
Zarqa, Jordan
- Technical Workshops
Public Media
Live interview on Jordan TV with my partner Belal Affouri, talking about Amman Hackerspace.
Jordan Oct 2013Article in Addustour Newspaper: "Anini & Affouri launch Amman Hackerspace as a step to rise the technical future of youth".
Jordan Oct 2013Article in Addustour Newspaper: "Simple & Smart 1.0; The First Event Organized by Google Ambassador at Zarqa University".
Jordan Jan 2012Article in Addustour Newspaper: "Seminar about Google Ambassadors Program at Zarqa University".
Jordan Dec 2011Article in Alarab Alyawm Newspaper: "Seminar at Zarqa University About Google Apps in Middle East".
Jordan Dec 2011Article in Addustour Newspaper: "Mohammad Anini; A Student and Google Ambassador at Zarqa University".
Jordan Nov 2011